Pharaoh’s Magicians “We’ve Got The Same Thing As You Moses!”

Exodus 7:10 “ And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did so as the LORD had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.

Exodus 7:11 “Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments.”

When God sent Moses to tell Pharaoh to let the nation of Israel go from their slavery in Egypt, he gave Moses some signs that would supposedly prove to Pharaoh that God had sent him.

One of the signs was Moses throwing his rod down onto the ground and it becoming a serpent, which would have been pretty cool to see! Surely Pharaoh would let them go when he saw that!

… But he didn’t. And one reason he didn’t was because his magicians could do the “same” thing.

Pharaoh’s magicians could not only replicate the rod turning into a snake, but they also replicated the first two plagues as well! Pretty powerful stuff hey!

But it’s very interesting that the way that the magicians and Pharaoh opposed and resisted Moses and God’s word was through imitation and replication… in supposedly proving that “we’ve got the same thing as you”.

And this is so instructive in understanding what’s going on in today’s broad spectrum of Christianity. So much of Christianity today opposes God’s word like Pharaoh did… through claiming to have the same thing.

… Where in times past Christians have endured opposition from without through outright persecution such as being killed in the colosseum by Nero… nowdays in the west, Christianity is being opposed from within through false replication… very sneaky!

But you are invited to pick up on it and “catch it by the tail” as Moses did! Counterfeit Christianity is exactly what Paul was talking about when he referenced Pharaoh’s magicians in his second letter to Timothy!

Yes, Pharaoh’s magicians did have some power, and today’s false Christianity does have some power too… but they had a very different source of power, and their power was very limited. And the limitations of modern Christianity is being evidenced in it’s lack of power to deliver from sin.

It is worth noting that the whole point of these magicians emulating Moses’ miracles was to the intent of keeping the Hebrews slaves in Egypt… and ultimately what all this false Christianity does is keep people in the Egypt of this world under the power of Satan… all while having “Christianity”.

False Christianity cannot and does not take God’s people out of Egypt. And yet the Bible says “out of Egypt have I called my son” when referencing Christ and the work of Christ in every saved person’s life for a reason!


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Hi, my name is Joseph Zadow. I am a 33 y/o Bible Blogger from Adelaide, South Australia. God’s word is the best thing that we can be given, and once we have it and know it for ourselves it is both a privilege and responsibility to share it with others! We are blessed to be a blessing! I am a sinner (for sure!) saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. And it’s Jesus Christ’s faith far more than my own! Because he is faithful. I believe the Bible is the word of God, and by God’s grace I anchor my soul to it. My destination is heaven. As they say, this world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through… although most of the time I feel more like I’m hangin’ by a thread in Jericho! I love playing sports, I currently work on an orchard and one of my main hobbies/interests is growing vegetables. I love writing. I’m always happy to talk, so feel free to leave a comment on my blog or through email! My blog is inspired by Isaiah 2, and Isaiah’s vision of the last days when all nations will flow unto the Lord’s house, in a future time where everyone will love to hear God’s word and walk in light of Lord. And it is my hope that my blog will “strengthen the brethren” and “feed my sheep” as Jesus told Peter. Whether you visit once or regularly, I hope my blog is of some benefit to you on your journey of life! It’s a long journey, but with Christ you will make it to the other side. You can read more about me and my blog here – :)

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